
The Mechanical Engineering World magazine is published six times a year in a hard copy and an online version. It unites the mature prudence and the youthful dedication of Slovenia. It represents the accomplishments and the charge of mechanical engineering across all the colours of the rainbow – from student to engineer, researcher/professor, from jobseeker to employer, from first steps to memories – with Mechanical Engineering World as their common denominator.

A greater effect of engineering, and therefore mechanical engineering, on society, as well as a more effective creation of living conditions and an increase in the content coexistence of a generation of children, men and grandfathers are all based on the transference of knowledge and experience, on lifelong education and teamwork, on sacrifice as well as personal growth through work in professional groups and associations.

Mechanical Engineering World brings useful information for anyone who, professionally or recreationally, comes into contact with applied science and technology, who is attracted to the power of engineering. It is material for anyone making their dreams of achieving the impossible come true, in the areas of bio, info and nanotechnologies, as well as in ecoprocessing and energy technologies, in light of an increasingly susceptible social responsibility for responsible sustainable development.

Prof. PhD. Iztok Golobič
Editor-in-Chief of Mechanical Engineering World magazine

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